Home Education & Learning You Can Now Hire Santa Claus to Teach Your Child This Christmas Season

You Can Now Hire Santa Claus to Teach Your Child This Christmas Season

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As the world’s first teacher, Santa will take your child on a magical traditional-style learning course for Christmas, where you’ll explore the many life lessons of the season. From spreading joy, laughing hard, and even understanding how to have more “elf-belief”, Santa School is the perfect antidote for any early non-believers in your household.

The “Santa Syllabus” explained

What does Santa School include? We hear you ask. At the time of enrolling your child, you’ll be assigned the genuine Santa Claus to help your child excel in Christmas kindness, mindfulness, understanding compassion, and patience, as well as having the opportunity to pick up some practical skills from Santa’s elves along the way. Each of our Santa School tuition packages includes specific areas of the school curriculum that are tied back to Christmas, so your child can learn in a new and magical way during the festive season. 

Various packages are available, depending on your child’s individual requirements, but here’s what you should expect from these magical masterclasses:

Package 1: Christmas Presence

Learn mindfulness techniques developed by Santa Claus himself, including how to be fully present during the sometimes overwhelming festive season and beyond. In this package, your child will learn how to manage stress and work on understanding and labelling their emotions.

Package 2: Elf Belief

There’s a lot we can all learn from Santa’s elves, and here he’ll bring them in as teaching assistants to help your child further dexterous skills like joinery. Your child will also learn all about raw materials and how you can make your family thoughtful Christmas gifts at home. Santa’s elves will also teach your child the basics of baking Christmas cookies using a Montessori-style teaching method.

Package 3: Deck the School Halls

The all “carolling” package includes all of the above, with an added appearance from Santa’s head reindeer, Rudolf. One of the red nosed reindeer’s secret teachings is that your difference is your strength. Here,  Santa will discuss how you can apply Rudolf’s lessons to everyday parts of your life. 

During the Santa Claus tutoring sessions, he will also focus on some core areas of the school curriculum to ensure your child is learning additional skills to help them excel in the classroom:

Santa will have your child “slaying” physics 

Non-believers will often use Santa’s sleigh as an example of why Santa surely can’t be real, but here Father Christmas himself will debunk claims from the Scrooge’s of times gone by and show you how it’s entirely possible through simple physics calculations.

Santa shows your child how numbers can put you on the “nice list.”

From Christmas present budgeting tips to calculating speed, time, and distance, Santa will make maths magical, with every child walking away feeling confident in their new numerical abilities.

Your child will brush up on their English skills through a “Letter to Santa” writing service 

Santa will go through your child’s Christmas list letter and guide them on grammar, delivery, and sentence structure, helping them feel much more confident in their writing ability. Depending on your child’s age, Santa will also help develop your child’s phonics skills through traditional Christmas stories.

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