Home Business & Industry Beyond the Firewall, Other Factors to Consider When Securing Your Network

Beyond the Firewall, Other Factors to Consider When Securing Your Network

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In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, securing your network goes beyond the traditional reliance on firewalls. As technology advances, so do the strategies employed by cyber threats. One such critical aspect of modern network security is segmentation.

Here is some information about the concept of segmentation in networking, exploring its significance, traditional approaches, innovative methods, and its role beyond the firewall.

The basics of segmentation in networking

To grasp the importance of segmentation, we need to start by understanding what it means in the context of networking. Segmentation involves dividing a network into distinct subnetworks or segments. This practice enhances security by restricting access between segments, mitigating the lateral movement of threats, and reducing the impact of potential breaches. The primary goal is to create isolated zones within a network, thereby fortifying its overall security posture.

Historically, network segmentation has been implemented using physical or virtual networks, VLANs, subnets, access control lists (ACLs), routers, and hardware firewall appliances. These traditional methods act as barriers, managing traffic flow between segments based on predefined rules. Hardware firewall appliances, for instance, inspect and filter traffic to enforce security policies. While effective, these approaches often require significant configuration efforts and may not be agile enough to adapt to the dynamic nature of cyber threats.

Recent advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative approaches to segmentation, transcending the limitations of traditional methods. One such revolutionary shift is the enforcement of segmentation at the host workload level without directly impacting the network infrastructure. Host-based segmentation, powered by software-defined techniques, creates isolated enclaves within a single network. This approach ensures that communication between workloads occurs through secure channels established and managed at the host level.

Microsegmentation: a granular form of host-based segmentation

Microsegmentation is a finer form of host-based segmentation that enforces security policies at the workload or application level. It involves creating security zones around specific workloads, enabling fine-grained control over traffic flows and interactions. This level of precision surpasses traditional network segmentation, allowing organisations to exert control over traffic between specific hosts or components within their network architecture.

Host-based segmentation, particularly microsegmentation, offers several advantages contributing to a robust security posture.

  • Enhanced security posture. Isolating and protecting individual workloads at the host level ensures that even in shared network environments, compromised segments or breaches in one area do not automatically compromise the entire network. This provides an additional layer of defence against the lateral movement of threats.
  • Flexibility and scalability. Host-based segmentation offers scalability without extensive network reconfiguration. Workloads can be easily isolated or grouped based on changing business requirements. This flexibility empowers organisations to adapt to dynamic operational needs without compromising security.
  • Reduced network complexity. Implementing segmentation at the host level reduces the complexity associated with managing network-based segmentation configurations and hardware dependencies. This simplification of the security architecture makes it more agile and easier to manage.

Use cases for network segmentation

Understanding the significance of segmentation extends beyond theoretical knowledge. Several real-world use cases highlight its critical role in securing networks. One of the primary applications is protecting sensitive data and critical assets within an organisation. By isolating these assets into distinct segments, unauthorised access is substantially restricted, safeguarding against potential breaches.

Additionally, segmentation plays a pivotal role in compliance with regulatory standards and frameworks. Industries subject to specific data protection regulations, such as healthcare and finance, can leverage network segmentation to isolate and secure data falling under regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance and simplifying audit processes.

The growing prevalence of Internet of Things (IoT) devices further emphasises the need for segmentation. Dedicated network segments for IoT devices help prevent potential threats from infiltrating and exploiting vulnerabilities associated with these connected devices.


As the cybersecurity landscape becomes more sophisticated, incident response and threat detection are crucial aspects of network security. Microsegmentation, with its granular control over traffic flows, enhances visibility within the network. Security teams can monitor and analyse traffic patterns within individual segments, facilitating quicker detection of anomalous behaviour and potential security breaches. This heightened visibility is crucial for minimising the dwell time of threats and preventing extensive damage.

The question “What is segmentation in networking?” is central to understanding the comprehensive landscape of network security. Beyond the traditional reliance on firewalls, segmentation offers a dynamic and adaptive approach to fortifying networks against evolving cyber threats. Traditional approaches, while effective, may not be sufficient in the face of modern, sophisticated attacks. Innovations in host-based segmentation, particularly microsegmentation, provide enhanced security, flexibility, and reduced complexity, making them imperative for organisations committed to safeguarding their digital assets. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, a strategic approach to network segmentation becomes not just a best practice but a strategic imperative for organisations navigating the complexities of the digital age.

Tim Williamson, a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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