Home Cyberpsychology & Technology The Psychology of a Hybrid Event Attendee and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

The Psychology of a Hybrid Event Attendee and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

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In the dynamic events industry, a new kind of attendee has emerged: the hybrid event attendee. These people traverse the universe of events that occur in both physical and virtual environments. To comprehend the psychology of a hybrid event attendee, one must first investigate the idea of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and how it affects their actions, feelings, and experiences.

Hybrid events: the best of both worlds

Hybrid events are a synthesis of traditional in-person events with the ever-changing world of virtual experiences. They enable participants to join physical events in person or digitally from anywhere in the world. The allure of hybrid events stems from its adaptability, accessibility, and ability to combine the ease of virtual attendance with the physical experience of in-person events.

The hybrid event attendee is distinguished by their demand for variety and ability to personalise their event experience. They are not limited by geography, and they may choose how and where they wish to participate in an event. Attendees benefit from the flexibility of choice, but it also brings the psychological problem of FOMO.

Understanding FOMO

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a psychological phenomenon that has become deeply embedded in our constantly linked society. It refers to the fear or worry that one may miss out on something exciting, fascinating, or important if they are not present at a specific event or social gathering. 

The rapid stream of information and activity on social media platforms frequently heightens this dread, generating a sense of pressure to keep connected and active. FOMO takes on a new meaning for hybrid event participants. It’s not just about losing out on an event, but also about fear of missing out on the ideal experience. 

Attendees may be concerned that by attending in person, they may miss out on valuable virtual connections, and vice versa. This paradox produces a psychological tug of war, which event organisers must comprehend and address.

The role of FOMO in decision-making

FOMO has a huge impact on the decisions of hybrid event attendees. They frequently face a slew of options, including whether to attend in person, electronically or a hybrid of the two. Will they miss out on valuable networking possibilities if they choose for one format over the other? The fear of losing valued relationships or content might be a strong incentive in their decision-making process.

To alleviate FOMO-related anxiety, event organisers must give clear information and rewards for each attendance choice. Highlighting exclusive virtual Q&A sessions or in-person networking events, for example, can provide participants with a compelling incentive to engage in both forms.

Awareness of the psychology of hybrid event participants requires an awareness of the emotional effect of FOMO. Fear of missing out can result in emotions of inadequacy, inadequacy, and even regret. Attendees who believe they made a mistake may face increased tension and dissatisfaction with their event experience.

Several techniques may be implemented by event organisers to reduce these unpleasant emotions:

  • Clear communication. Provide transparent and detailed information about what attendees can expect in each format. Let them know they can switch between formats as needed, reducing anxiety about making the “wrong” choice.
  • Interactive virtual experiences. Make the virtual component of the event as engaging as possible. Incorporate features like live chats, polls, and virtual networking sessions to create a rich and interactive virtual experience that mirrors the energy of in-person events.
  • Real-time content. Ensure that attendees can access event content, including recordings and materials, in real-time or on-demand. This flexibility reassures attendees that they won’t miss out on valuable insights.
  • Feedback loops. Encourage attendees to provide feedback and engage in post-event discussions to address FOMO-related concerns. Ask for their input on what they enjoyed and what they felt could be improved in both formats.

The role of social media in FOMO

Social media channels contribute significantly to the exacerbation of FOMO among hybrid event attendees. Attendees frequently post their experiences and updates on social media channels such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. These entries might range from event highlights and lively debates to behind-the-scenes peeks at the live event. While these messages might be appealing and instructive, they can also heighten people who are not present anxiety about missing out.

Event organisers may use social media to generate a sense of solidarity among participants, whether they attend in person or electronically. To ensure that everyone feels included, encourage the usage of event-specific hashtags, give live updates from both formats and share user-generated content.

Maximising the hybrid event experience

Individual preferences should be considered while designing the event experience. Allow guests to build their own agendas by mixing in-person and virtual programs. Make it easier for in-person and virtual participants to connect. Host hybrid networking events and leverage technology to connect the physical and virtual worlds.

Ensure that participants have on-demand access to event information, resources, and session recordings. This adaptability minimises the worry of losing out on important discoveries. Make specific areas or sessions available for participants to decompress and discuss their FOMO-related concerns. These zones can bring reassurance and comfort.


A hybrid event attendee’s psychology is a dynamic interplay of choice, FOMO, and the desire for a rewarding event experience. Understanding the elements that contribute to FOMO and putting tactics in place to combat them is critical for event organisers. Event organisers may guarantee that hybrid event participants can fully engage, connect, and interact by establishing an inclusive, engaging, and adaptable atmosphere.

Adam Mulligan, a psychology graduate from the University of Hertfordshire, has a keen interest in the fields of mental health, wellness, and lifestyle.

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